Delhi vs Bangalore: A Complete City Comparison

Delhi vs Bangalore: A Complete City Comparison

Cost of living is one of the major factors that should not be overlooked when moving to a new city. Having that said, Delhi and Bangalore are two major cities which have become extremely popular for migrants. Bangalore is the Silicon City of India and Delhi is the capital city. Delhi has a price-income ratio equal to 13.68 and the same for Bangalore is 4.65. However, there are several other factors that make both cities different from each other. In this article, we have discussed all the factors that will help you to evaluate the cost of living for both. 

Comparison of Delhi Vs Bangalore

Cost Of Living

Delhi and Bangalore differ significantly in terms of their cost of living. Delhi tends to have a higher cost of living as compared to Bangalore. The recent data indicate that it is approximately 20% more expensive than Bangalore. This higher cost of living is available from different factors like housing, food, transportation, healthcare, and entertainment. The consumer price of Bangalore is 13.6% higher than that of Delhi due to high property prices, and overall utility expenses. 

Cost Of Rental Properties

The rental properties in Delhi generally have higher prices than those in Bangalore. For instance, a 1-bedroom apartment in the city centre of Delhi ranges from INR 25,000 to INR 40,000 per month. Whereas, a similar property in Bangalore’s city centre typically costs between INR 15,000 and INR 30,000 per month. Also, the rental rates for the property differ based on the locality, property type, and amenities provided. 

Cost Of Transport Comparison

When it comes to transportation costs, Delhi tends to be more cost-effective than Bangalore. Delhi boasts an extensive public transport system, including buses and the metro, with affordable fares starting at INR 5-15 for bus rides and INR 10-60 for metro journeys. Delhi metro is considered one of the largest metro lines in the country which eventually reduces the overall cost. In contrast, Bangalore’s public transport, while extensive, can be somewhat more expensive, with metro fares starting at INR 10-50. Additionally, Bangalore has high traffic congestion that leads to higher fuel expenses, longer commuting times, and a greater reliance on private vehicles, further impacting transportation costs. 

Cost Of Utility In Bangalore & Delhi 

The cost of utilities such as electricity, water, heating, and cooling in Bangalore tends to be lower than in Delhi. On average, a basic utility package for a 2 BHK apartment in Bangalore costs around INR 1,500 to INR 2,500 per month, whereas the same services in Delhi may range from INR 2,000 to INR 4,000 per month. This makes the cost of utility of Bangalore atleast 35 to 40% higher than that of Delhi. 

Food & Groceries Cost

The cost of food and groceries in both Delhi and Bangalore vary widely depending on individual preferences and dietary choices. However, recent data suggests that Bangalore generally has slightly higher prices for groceries than Delhi. It is seen that it is 21% higher as compared to Bangalore making it more affordable than Delhi. The basic food staples like rice, vegetables, and meat are relatively affordable in both cities.

Medical Expenses Comparison 

The cost of healthcare services, including doctor consultations, hospitalisation, and medication vary widely based on the healthcare provider and the nature of the medical condition. Generally, Bangalore has a reputation for its world-class healthcare services, with many top-notch hospitals and clinics. While medical costs in both cities are competitive, Bangalore’s healthcare infrastructure often provides more affordable options for quality medical care.

Recreation & Entertainment Cost

Delhi offers a wide range of recreational and entertainment options, but these activities vary in cost. Going to movie theatres, museums, and art galleries typically costs between INR 150 to INR 500 per person. Dining out at restaurants can be expensive, with a three-course meal for two at a mid-range restaurant averaging around INR 1,000 to INR 2,500. 

However, there are also many affordable and street food options available. Bangalore offers a vibrant cultural scene with various recreational and entertainment choices. Movie tickets generally range from INR 150 to INR 400, making it reasonably affordable. Dining out can also be economical, with a meal for two at a mid-range restaurant costing around INR 800 to INR 1,500. 


  1. Which city is best, Bangalore or Delhi?

Ans. This totally depends on the aspect you are looking for in Bangalore and Delhi.

  1. Which city is bigger, Delhi or Bangalore?

Ans. Delhi is slightly bigger than Bangalore in terms of its GDP and the total area. 

  1. Which city is more costly, Delhi or Bangalore?

Ans. Delhi is considered more costly than Bangalore when it comes to cost of living and utility. 

  1. Which is the best No. 1 city in India?

Ans. Delhi is considered the best and number one city in India with a GDP equal to Rs $272 billion. 

  1. Is Delhi colder than Bangalore?

Ans. Yes, Delhi faces more extreme and harsh winters than Bangalore which results in higher electricity bills during cold seasons. 


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